Friday, August 16, 2019

One Is Taken, One Is Left

Matthew 24:40-1 – “Then two men will be in the field; one is taken, one is left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one is taken, one is left.”

ICE raids. One is taken, one is left. Yesterday, we learned that the US has opened 13 more camps in Mississippi and Louisiana. They are located in remote parts of these states so it is difficult to get to them. There are currently 8,000 people being held in these concentration camps. The bailout rate has gone from 75% to just 1%. Even when people have the money for bail, it is not being accepted.

Whether raids are requested by employers or unidentified tips, ICE often grabs US citizens in their net. They don’t always release them. Because it’s not about immigration – it never was. It’s about who is a “valid” American citizen and who is not. Only white people are valid according to our government and white supremacy. Everyone else is continually suspect. They look only at skin color. Everything else is irrelevant. Anyone who look as if they came from south of our borders is suspect.

To add to this horrid situation, an ICE officer drove his truck through a group of Jewish protestors blocking the entrance. It was a repeat of Charlottesville in terms of cruelty, but no one died. They are willing to lock up, abuse, and kill not only immigrants and Black people (don’t forget them in the midst of the other crap!), but anyone who supports them. Barr wants to make the simple act of protest a felony. That is fascism.

I have to admit, I’m afraid. For the people who find themselves detained, for protestors, for myself when I protest, for my family and friends who are Mexican or have Mexican ancestry, for anyone who looks like they don’t belong according to white supremacy standards. I’m afraid because there are many people whose lives have been upended from terrorism. I’m afraid for all those who feel threatened. I’m afraid for the future of our country but also our planet.

So, how to deal with the fear and the sadness? First, admit it. Feel sad, angry, depressed, fearful, worried. Set a timer if that works for you. Then, think of something that we can do that might help right now. I listen to Rev. Dr. Barber’s sermons while working online puzzles. I also listen to meditative music – any music that lifts my spirits. I write these little sermonettes/pep talks. I call my senators and representatives, even though they seem entrenched in their ways. Or I clean something. Get trained to register people to vote. Canvas for your candidate. Help get out the vote efforts. Do laundry. Go for a walk. Attend protests – organize protests. Call friends and family. Meditate. Recognize that I cannot fix it all by myself and even together it will take some time to reverse the disaster of Donald’s presidency and the surging white supremacy on display. Find news to be happy about. I recommend Daily Kos Good News Roundup. 

Self-care of our bodies and our minds is important. Because it will take so long to fix, we need to rest, restore, replenish, and renew ourselves periodically, and then reenter the struggle. It’s important, because we can’t give what we don’t have.

Lament. Speak out. Love your neighbor. Love God. And don’t forget to love yourself.

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