Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Confession

Matthew 24:38-9 – “For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them away, so it will be when the Son of Humanity comes.”

English has appropriated the word for flood (technically ‘inundation’) to mean any large-scale disaster. Cataclysm. On that subject, I have a confession to make.

For a long time, I too was living my life, eating and drinking and doing whatever I wanted. As a white woman with a good job, I had some privilege. I lived that way too long while ignoring the plight of others in this country. I was ignorant of how corrupt many of our politicians are. I had no fear of police brutality. In many ways, I lived a charmed life.
Then Bush was “elected” president. During those eight years, I began to educate myself about the Republican abuses. Then Obama was elected. I still remember being at work and listening to him take the oath of office. We all breathed a huge sigh of relief. I didn’t understand the systemic nature of the corruption Bush represented. When the tea party Republicans arose, I didn’t understand the danger to our democracy they represented. I had enough privilege to not have to take them seriously.

The real cataclysm in this confession, though, is the corrupt election of Donald. I honestly had no idea how many of my fellow citizen’s were either racist or willing to overlook Donald’s racism to vote for him. The same goes for his sexism, misogyny, sexual abuse of women, abusive tweets, the fact that he’s a bully, and his general overall corruption. I had the privilege of not having to see that he resonated with so many.

So, now Donald has come to wreak havoc on what was left of our democracy after eight years of McConnell’s own corruption, obstruction of Obama and Democrat policies. Everything that was wrong with the US has been turned up to 11. Many innocent people have been and will continue to be swept away. Cataclysm. This presidency and administration is a disaster.

Now, I do what I can to turn things around. This involves protests, vigils, writing to my representatives and senators, donating a little, and writing and sharing my thoughts here. It’s my way of making amends, knowing that it will never be enough. It’s my way of loving my neighbors.


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