Thursday, July 18, 2019


Matthew 24:21 - "For then there will be a great persecution such as has never been seen from the beginning of the world until now."

Persecution. The word translated persecution here means pressure and extends to such concepts as oppression, persecution, afflicted, burdened, trouble, anguish. All of which I imagine the refugees our government is keeping caged without basic necessities are feeling. Along with confused, scared, worried, sad, doubt. Maybe there's hope there.

Many Republicans argue that they chose to come here. I hear that argument a lot. In a very narrow sense this is correct. They chose to flee because they feared dying. It's technically a choice, but practically, there was no choice. The thing about all this that gets me is that they know exactly what will happen when they get here. The original refugees that we detained didn't know. But now, they all know; how could they not. Yet, they come anyway - because the prospect of being detained in the US seems better than the prospect of certain death in their country.

And we as a country have let them down. Not only are we separating their families, but we're not giving them safe and humane conditions. The argument that "they chose to come here" is a salve for the consciences of those who make it. Otherwise, they might be the "bad guys," and they can't or won't see that.

So, while we rightly prioritize lamenting for those who are being tortured in cages and working to end this crime against humanity, let us not forget the lost souls of those who argue for the rightness of such action. They are to be lamented as well. People who are happy and well-adjusted do not desire to cage others.

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