Thursday, July 25, 2019

It Will be Obvious

Matthew 24:27 – “For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

Obvious. It will be obvious. Everyone will know. There will be no need for interpretation, questions, doubt, misunderstandings. This is why Jesus tells us not to follow people who think they have all the answers.

This also makes me think of conspiracy theories, especially the more convoluted variety. The false saviors and false prophets peddle these theories to deceive other for gain; monetary, righteous anger, or the smugness of knowing something others don’t know. Most people are skeptical at first, partially because they tend to be convoluted. Think Glenn Beck and his crazy blackboard. Most people need to be talked into belief – at least the first few times. (I hope!) There’s a weird strain of conspiracy theory that is meant to instill fear in their hearers. Isn’t life scary enough without having to believe in false fears?

Once a person gets hooked, it becomes an addiction. And like addiction to drugs or alcohol, it is hard to get rid of. It’s hard to let go of the money, the righteousness, or the smugness. They are so fulfilling. Also like drug or alcohol addiction, addiction to conspiracy theories is dangerous. Instead of the flourishing of life, it leads to a walking death. Morals, values, ideals, humanity all vanish in the intense need for power. The rush of power mimics the rush of alcohol or drugs. Probably hits the same pleasure center in the brain too.

The big question I have is how to get through to someone who believes conspiracy theories? Facts don’t usually work. Even pointing out that there needs to be unprecedented cooperation and lack of leaks for some of these theories to be true. Think of the moon landing hoax theory. How many people would have to be kept silent? It couldn’t happen without leaks. Even Jeffrey Epstein had leaks in his sex trafficking operation. He had to settle for managing the leaks rather than enjoying no leaks. And he’s been caught.

Which brings us back to how can we tell. Jesus’ answer is, it will be obvious. It must fit with facts. One idea is to not jump to conclusions – another thing we humans are good at! – and wait. Wait until it becomes obvious. Unless you’re a journalist; then investigate. The truth indeed shines like lightning from east to west.


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