Friday, August 17, 2018

"Fake News"

Matthew 24:5 – “For many will come in my name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and they will lead many astray.”

I think if Jesus came back today telling people he was the Christ, we would hold him for a mental evaluation. Instead, we have many claiming to follow the Christ and yet do nothing he commanded. Love your neighbor, love your enemies. Bless those who curse you, bless and do not curse. Do not repay evil for evil. Today, we have people using Jesus to justify adding further trauma to families already traumatized by separating them and caging their kids. This is nothing but terrorism.

They have led many astray.

They twist Jesus’ words to make them say things they don’t say. We have many newspaper articles detailing the thoughts of white people who voted for 45. There is no need for these articles. We already know what they think. They support a corrupt, morally bankrupt, racist, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic toddler who enacts vengeance on his enemies in blatant disregard of our constitution. He is an antichrist who is leading them astray.

I want to see articles on the experiences of Black people, Latinx people, Native Americans and especially women who scorn 45. Why publish more articles about racist white people? This erases the voices of their victims and stifles their cries for help. In one of these articles, a woman explains that we’re only to love our “American” neighbor. African-Americans are Americans. Do you think she includes them in that statement? Me neither.

Rather than getting further down on White Evangelical Christians, I’d like to encourage you to go to a Black church, a Hispanic church, a synagogue or a mosque in your neighborhood. Listen to what your brothers and sisters of other colors and religions have to say. Lift up their concerns as your own. Believe them when they describe their experiences of trauma. Believe them. Educate yourself on the history of the US putting Jesus to the side, trotting out his name only when it’s convenient. Get outside of your current comfort zone and be curious about other people, their experiences and their attitudes. Love them.

There are many who are being led astray by false claims of terrorism and unsafe borders. D0 not be led astray; put aside those lies to focus on loving your neighbors instead.

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