Wednesday, August 8, 2018


Matthew 24:1 – Jesus left the temple and as he was walking away, his disciples came to him to point out the temple buildings.

Have you ever been to a city with skyscrapers? New York, Chicago, or Tokyo? What about the sheer walls of Zion Canyon? The Grand Canyon? What about the cathedrals of Europe? Did they overwhelm you with their beauty? Were you awed? Did you want to share that feeling with everyone you knew? I think this is what the disciples were feeling looking at the temple buildings. They are not pointing out the ordinariness of the buildings but rather their grandeur. The size and the adornments of the temple awed the disciples by their own majesty and by the majesty they pointed to: God’s.

We humans have a need for such awe and beauty in our lives. Recognizing how small we are in relation to the redwoods of California is both humbling and awe-inspiring. The temple in Jerusalem, being man-made, would have impressed them as we are impressed by the pyramids of Mexico and Egypt. While living in Chicago, I enjoyed the detailing of the older buildings I saw on my walks; gargoyles, fruit trim, white brick set against red, brick patterns made by turning them all different ways, colored tiles. The temple must have had such rich details too. It’s human nature to create beauty in our environment in imitation and honor of our creator. Without beauty – music, poetry, books, sculpture, painting, plays, nature – our lives would feel narrow and lack joy. Beauty around us opens our hearts to the beauty of God, the beauty of holiness.

All of creation is holy, whether it’s we or God doing the creating. In this stressful, tense, gross time of 45 taking revenge on anyone who ever told him no, taking time out to recognize the beauty around us or to create beauty of our own is essential for our well-being. It may seem heartless to take time for ourselves when others are suffering, but without wonder and joy, we will be unable to fight for long. What’s happening in the US is nothing new. It may be new to ‘white’ people, but it’s not new in the world. Jesus lived in a country occupied by a foreign power, Rome. His world was crap, too. Yet, the disciples saw the beauty of the temple and wanted to share it.

Let’s remember to take breaks to appreciate or to create beauty and wonder around us today and every day.

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