Saturday, April 14, 2018

What About the Woman?

Matthew 22:25-6 - "There were seven brothers among us; the first married, and died childless, leaving the widow to his brother. The second did the same, and the third all the way to the seventh."

Following a premise to an illogical conclusion is a time-tested and favored rhetorical strategy. The Sadducees are clearly setting up this absurd situation to make a point rather than engage in honest dialogue. Yet, it demonstrates the status of women in that society: possessions.

Gone is the sense of community I wrote about. In its place, is a focus on the men at the expense of caring about the woman. This woman is not seen as a full member of society. She has no agency and is bequeathed to one brother after another. Her feelings and thoughts on the matter are not recorded, because they are not important. Only men were important. We have refined that in America to mean only white, straight, men are important.

We've come a long way, yet, men continue to control the media narrative, and men's concerns continue to be more important than those of women. Especially. in cases of rape. The media concerns itself with the cruelty of the accuser(s) in damaging the man's image or career. There is no thought given to the destruction of the woman's life. It is all about taking care of men's concerns, as in this story where the focus is on getting an heir, no matter the cost to the woman.

Sexual molestation, sexual assault, and rape are weapons of war. One of the oldest there is. They are not crimes of lust or passion; they are crimes of power and domination. In our courts, they are not treated as such, but rather with a "boys will be boys" attitude. I am thinking about war, because Syria has been in the news for the chemical attacks, and because the US and its allies have begun a bombing campaign there. I think of those who suffer the most in those circumstances: women and children. They are the most vulnerable members of any society. How they are treated is a good sign of what that society values. Women and children are not valued here in America; at least, they are still seen as less valuable than men.

As we read the news today, (the news that men think is important) let us remember those whose stories aren't getting told. Let us remember those whose experiences are being erased by our concern for the reputations and careers of men rather than for the destruction of women's lives.

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