Monday, April 9, 2018

The Things That Are God's

Matthew 22:21 - The disciples of the Pharisees and the Herodians answered him, saying, "Caesar's." Jesus said to them, "Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

This doesn't sound like a dangerous statement, does it? Yet, what are the things owed to Caesar but obedience, taxes, a sacrificial offering on behalf of the emperor (Jews were excused), and most importantly, allegiance. Therein lies the danger; God demands our allegiance, too. Choosing YHVH over Caesar was sedition, which was punished by crucifixion. No, Jesus' path is not an easy or comfortable path to follow.

We, too, are faced with this question in America. So many of our leaders have chosen false patriotism over God's commandments of justice, love, and mercy. They have chosen to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor in true Roman style. Worse, they have given our democracy to corrupt businessmen who are plundering what is left. Even the Christian members of congress have forsaken his way for the way that leads to hell on earth.

As it was recently the 50th anniversary of Dr. King's assassination, I'm reminded of his own statements that don't seem to sound dangerous today, but are. His mission has been whitewashed every bit as much as Jesus' mission has been whitewashed and made to serve power rather than the powerless, the rich rather than those experiencing poverty.

I'm not saying anything profound or secret; it is easy to see 45's corruption as well as that of his administration; and congress' collusion with them. They have clearly chosen money and power (Caesar) over God. None of us, however, is innocent of this charge. If we are honest, we can see where we've acted similarly. I say this to remind us that we all fall short. Yet, in falling short our leaders are hurting more than just their own souls; they are creating a hell on earth for those who have no money or power. They use chaos as a cover for their misdeeds.

It honestly breaks my heart to see this happening to the country and people I love. It is overwhelming at times. There is so much chaos and it is never-ending. I've found that I must continually turn to God to keep my sanity. It helps me focus my fears, and in the process of naming them, lessens them. They help me swim in the waters of sadness without fear of drowning. Taking breaks from the news and laughter also help.  Thank God for Stephen Colbert.

Thinking about Dr. King in the midst of all this reminds me that Black people have been fighting this fight far longer than I have. It reminds me of how we have let our fellow citizens down time and again. The more I read about Cleveland's history, the more I realize how deep the corruption and racism has gone and continues to go. That, too, gives me the courage to speak up, to contact my representatives, and to do what I can, even when I have a hard time leaving the darkness of my home. It reminds me that even after 45 and his goons are gone, we still have a lot of work to do to live up to Jesus' call to love God, love our neighbors, and love ourselves. That is what allegiance to God looks like. Those are the things of God.

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