Saturday, August 26, 2017


Matthew 19:22 - And hearing this word, the young man went away sorrowful for he had many possessions.

Aha! The plot thickens! Our young man is rich! His attitude is the very description of idolatry - putting something, anything above God in our hearts and lives. This young man kept the commandments listed, but what about the others concerning God's place in our hearts? Without love for God, something is missing.

Yet how many of us - meager as our possessions are - would do (and did do) the same? Since all other people in the Bible act as our stand ins, we are also called to do the same: look over our possessions, what do we have that someone else can use? Where are we hoarding? what? money? clothes? books? houses? food? What is in the way between us and life? This is a question we must all answer one way or another. We are the rich man. We are the people who cannot follow Jesus perfectly.

Was this man sorrowful because he missed heaven (eternal life?) or because he realized all his work was in vain or both? Did he realize that he did not have it in him to do as Jesus suggested and couldn't picture himself ever doing that? He fails to see that he is capable if he would only turn toward God rather than his works. There is hope for us too! Jesus is strong where we are weak, as Paul said. If we cannot do it today, maybe we can still take a step in that direction. Even if it is only contemplating the possibility of following Jesus in this way. Even if it is only gathering courage and building our trust in God. One thought, one step, one day at a time.

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