Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Matthew 19:17 - If you would have life, keep the commandments.

Life. Jesus uses the word 'life' where the man used the expression 'eternal life.' Jesus' use of the word 'life' implies that the man is not yet even living, here and now. Maybe that comes first? This reminds me of Dante's Inferno, in which a man appears who is so evil that his soul is already in hell, even though his body is still alive. The walking dead. A new conception of the word zombie. Perhaps our questioner is walking dead - it seems he's not as bad as Dante's example, but who knows? He is self-absorbed and self-focused, wanting to do good things only for some personal reward rather than because they are the right thing to do. In any case, baby steps are needed. Life first - learn to live life fully here before you set your sights on eternal life. A life without love, such as the man seems to exhibit, is a sham life, a meager life. As we will see, it is a life full of possessions but empty of love.It is not life to the fullest.

Jesus as not-God, pointing to God, saying baby steps, keep the commandments because the commandments lead to life.
B - written before the Nazi rally of 8/12/17 and not updated.

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