Saturday, June 24, 2017

What God has joined ...

Matthew 19:6 - "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What God has joined let no one put asunder."

So, while God brings people together in marriage, are all marriages then God's doing? Because I married a guy who was a terrible choice. I would hate to think that God decided I needed to be hit. And where does free will come into it? Of course, marriage is an entirely different beast now than it was then. But I think the question is still valid. 

My current marriage is the exact opposite. I do think God brought us together. Christian marriage does create a new entity, yet it needs to be worked at. It's not magic! And we are still our own people. We are not complementarian in any way. Well, we complement each other but there is no submission. We are equal partners learning what it means to be one flesh. Equal partners with Christ as well

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