Saturday, June 24, 2017

Moses Said it was okay

Matthew 19:7 - They said to him, "Why then did Moses command them to give a written certificate of divorce and so abandon her?"

Okay, that translation of abandon is a little harsh. Yet, that is exactly what would have happened. As I mentioned earlier. 

That aside, the Pharisees think they have Jesus trapped. They ask an "innocent" question about marriage and when Jesus answers, point out how it differs from scripture. I have had this done to me and have done this to others. It's not a good way to build community. In fact, it's really good for creating hurt feelings and divisions. 

If Jesus had answered that Moses gave such a command, they would have quoted scripture against it. The Bible is not known for its consistency ... They think they have won just as we do when we ask the "gotcha" question. Sadly, no one wins in this scenario. The Pharisees go away no wiser, yet more convinced of their own righteousness. Jesus and his disciples lose potential allies.

It is still the same today. The "gotcha" question is asked in bad faith and creates divisiveness rather than diversity. There is no room for discussion or understanding. Only dissension.

Today I choose not to sow dissension.

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