Friday, May 5, 2017

Pay What You Owe!

Matthew 18:28 - But this same servant, as he was leaving came upon a fellow servant who owed him 100 denarii. He grabbed him by the throat saying, "Pay what you owe!"

And can't we all relate to this. Well, I can. It makes me uncomfortable to know I have done this to others. Not the grabbing part but the attitude in general. Wanting people to act like I want them to - even though I do not always please others with my actions. Taking the good things for granted and not valuing things properly. The US House of Reps is doing this now - well, the republicans anyway. They are taking from us, although they have been reprieved.

However, look at the difference in attitude: the king did not yell or get physical, the slave did. I wonder if the slave felt demoralized after having been forgiven so much? Maybe? Felt like he needed to assert himself somehow, so he took it out on another. I could easily be reading my own thoughts into the text here in an effort to understand the slave's actions. It's possible he was being greedy and the story pretty much says that, but the story doesn't tell us how he was feeling. Was he grateful? Or was he like a Republican and took his reprieve for granted?

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