Saturday, May 20, 2017

Be merciful

Matthew 18:32-33 - Then his lord summoned him and said to him, "You wicked servant! I forgave all that debt because you asked me; should you not also have had mercy on your fellow servant as I have had mercy on you?"

This brings me in mind of the Lord's Prayer: Forgive us as we forgive others. It should read, forgive us for we also forgive others. God has had mercy on us, we have mercy on others, God continues to have mercy on us. But it doesn't quite work that way. God has already forgiven us everything; we don't feel it because we are not forgiving of others. ...

God always has mercy and forgives. We are the unforgiving party. We are that wicked slave. Yet God forgives even that - regardless of how this particular parable ends.

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