Friday, August 12, 2016

Proof or Guidance

Matthew 16:4 - "An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign and the only sign they will be given is the sign of Jonah." And he turned away from them and left.

I've given this verse more thought because I have spent a lot of time this summer asking God for a sign of what I should do next. Asking myself as well. It stopped me short when I saw this and I began to wonder whether I'm just stalling ...

Then I came to realize that the Pharisees and Sadducees here are asking for a sign as proof that Jesus is legitimate. That is what makes them evil ad adulterous. Am I asking for the same reason? Or am I taking the need for a sign too seriously? Should I be acting and waiting on the 'no' like Socrates claims to have done? I'm not sure. However, I think asking God for guidance is okay as long as I don't sit around and wait for the answer. I need to be busy doing what I think is the next right step.

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