Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Matthew 15:37 - Everyone ate and was satisfied. And they took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces leftover.

Even when it seems there is not enough, there is enough. In our world, many take more than their fair share and creates a false sense of scarcity. Yet, in God's world, there is always enough. This is about food and resources and yet it is also about vision.

When I look at the circumstances of my life, am I seeing not enough or abundance? Why? Can I make plans not knowing where the money will come from? Do I want to? These are questions I'm asking because Peter wants to make plans based on our receiving the loan back from GNP soon. I would prefer to wait until we have the money to include it in our plans. It could take a long time. Who is right? This tension between our outlooks makes me profoundly uneasy and fearful. Fearful that we are not working together and uneasy that this will result in our becoming homeless or worse. How to see our situation as one of abundance?

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