Sunday, October 11, 2015


Matthew 10:34 - Do not think that I have come to bring peace over the land; I have not come to bring peace but a sword.

I am puzzled by this. He is still talking with his disciples and giving them advice. Or is he? Is he now talking to those left behind or to all of them in a new location? The answers would help with the exposition.

How does this fit with the Christmas story of peace on earth? What does it mean to bring a sword. What does a sword do? Divides, kills, cuts. So, probably division rather than death. This is a continuation of his warning about those who will treat his hearers contemptuously. He is saying war and / or division is coming and we must accept it. He recognizes that his actions are going to irritate many. His actions as well as his ideas.

How does this apply to me today?

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