Saturday, October 3, 2015


Matthew 10:24-25 - The disciple is not above his master and the slave above his lord. It is sufficient for the disciple to become as his master and the slave as his lord. If they call the master of the house, "Beelzebub", how much more the members of the house?

I have been thinking of this for several days. I think it might have something to do with humility. We are not to think of ourselves too highly nor strive to be the best. Clearly the class distinctions are kept - I don't see any social rearranging going on in this passage. I wonder if it was added later to tone the rest of the passage down? To reassure outsiders that the Christians were no threat to society?

So, I am going with humility here. Knowing our place in relation not to our betters, but to God.

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