Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lamps and hiding

So, today's text is about lamps. We don't put lamps under blankets. We let them shine so we can see. So what does it mean when Jesus says the eyes are the lamp of the body? I get two things actually.

1. The most obvious is that we are not to hide who we are. We are to keep our eyes open and our light shining. This means we must continually look at who we are and how we are treating our fellows. Our light comes from our thoughts. For me, my thoughts do not always need to be aired. I can take a moment at shine God's light through them. Feed the light rather than the darkness.

But there is another way to hide: and that is to not share who we are, what our greatest desires are, what our needs are. If we do not share these things, I do not believe we can be truly known. This is my challenge in discerning where to apply to do a PhD - being able to share what excites me about Hypatia and her world and also what I would like to learn and research. I was at a conference last weekend where this was made very clear to me. I have a hard time meeting people and articulating what I'd like to learn, what I want and who I am. It is time to stop hiding from myself and from God.

2. We cannot close our eyes to the plight of others. I don't think this was the original intent but I think it's important. It is so easy for me to close my eyes or look the other way. My desire is to learn to keep my eyes open and to let others in. That is the flip side of hiding - when we are hiding we cannot see others and we cannot love them nor they us.

And all of this reminds me of St. Francis' prayer: Make me a channel (an open channel!) of your peace. I cannot do that and hide.


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