Thursday, October 14, 2021


Matthew 26:47 - While he was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, arrived; with him was a large crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests and the elders of the people.

So much happening all at once! We’ve had enough peace and quiet that Jesus was able to pray and the disciples were able to sleep. Now, we have a large crowd, armed!, and terror. That’s how fast life can change for all of us. One minute, everything seems peaceful, and we think we have everything under control. The next minute, all hell breaks loose. It certainly felt like that during the previous presidency.

I wonder what the disciples were thinking at this moment? Jesus has been telling them to pray because of this very thing and now it’s here and they are woefully unprepared. This is a good example of the need to be politically aware. It’s possible that Jesus knew what was going on because he’s divine, but that explanation isn’t necessary. What the Jewish authorities did here is and was standard procedure for those who would stir up trouble. Get rid of them. They’ve been trying to trap him for his entire ministry. Of course, they’re going to resort to false charges.

The thing is, Jesus was praying and paying attention. Sure, he was praying that it not come to this (like any of us would!). But he had also put himself entirely into God’s will – Thy will be done. As such, he was prepared for this moment and those that will follow. He knows God is with him and will not leave him. He knows where all this will end because he has been reading the signs of the times.

In the same way, many of us can see exactly where the false charges of election fraud are going. It will instill doubt in those who are not paying attention, then it will be easier to either steal the next election or outright take over. That is where all this is headed. The Republicans have no policy positions, so their only option for winning voters is to cheat. If that doesn’t work, they will keep trying to take it. They are doing it now. Look how many of them cannot call what happened on January 6 ‘insurrection.’

Are we prepared to be as equally wise as Jesus? Are we prepared to face what will happen in the coming months? Or will we stay in denial until, like the disciples, we no longer have time to prepare?

In my mind, Love challenges us in this present moment to do whatever we are capable of to stop the spread of lies and to work to protect our democracy from being taken over by delusional idiots. If not for ourselves, then for those who are already suffering because of these lies and egregious actions. It’s not too late, but time is running out. For us, for the earth.

Let’s not wait to follow Love’s guidance, wherever she leads us.


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