Monday, March 23, 2020

In His Glory

Matthew 25:31 – “When the Son of Humanity comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne.”

Glory. Originally it referred to light – God as surrounded by the light of the stars, sun, and moon. We still think of light as glory. Paintings of religious subjects signify holiness using halos of light around the head. It also means majesty, preeminence, awesomeness when talking about God. 

It feels odd in this time of novel coronavirus and our administrations incompetent bungling of the response to think of God/Christ returning in his glory. God’s presence seems so far away when we only look at the surface of things. However, when we dig deeper, we see people helping where there is lack of guidance. I’m thinking here of my own governor, whose response has been stellar except that they closed abortion clinics as “non-essential” healthcare. Governor DeWine closed many businesses and offices down when it didn’t seem necessary. That’s exactly the time to do so, in order to make it not necessary. If that makes sense. He has ignored Donald’s repeated denials that it will be that bad and has worked to ensure it doesn’t get that bad in Ohio.

Sadly, many people believe Donald over the experts and will suffer themselves or cause others to suffer for their actions. Young adults on spring break, Rand Paul swimming while waiting for the results of his test (positive), the Governor of Oklahoma refusing to close restaurants and bars, and the many Republicans who are more concerned about the economy than their fellow American citizens. It is a sad, sad time. 

People say we’ll be different on the other side. I doubt it. Bankers have been up to their tricks, the DOJ has requested the ability to detain people without trial in emergency situations (including civil disobedience!), members of congress let the president lie to the American people even as they sold their stocks in airlines and bought health-related stocks. 

We have discovered that the truly essential workers are grocery store workers, gas station attendants, pharmacy workers, those who work in nursing homes, teachers, and janitors, along with doctors and nurses. I hope we keep that in mind after this is over and work to ensure these people are no longer denigrated and underpaid. They’ve been taken for granted for too long. We’ve been throwing the most vulnerable under the bus for too long. Now, our economy will suffer for it – and those who were thrown under the bus will suffer most.

Fred Rogers famously gave the advice to parents when their children are scared in emergencies like this to remind them to “always look for the helpers,” because there will always be people helping. Dr. Fauci is one of those helpers. Listen to him as he speaks truth to power in defiance of Donald’s lies. Governors who are shutting down their states are the helpers that Donald has declined to be. Representatives and Senators speaking up on behalf of people rather than businesses are helpers. All people who are trying to keep homeless and poor people safe and healthy in this time are also helpers. Give them any help you can, because God’s presence is made manifest through them.
As adults, we need to be the helpers! Because God is present in those who reach out to their neighbors in times like these. God is present in our physical distancing. God is present when we make choices for the common good, like staying home. Please stay home, unless you’re on an errand. Check on your neighbors. Call your family. Call your representatives and senators to urge them to think about people, especially homeless people and those who were unemployed when this hit, rather than businesses. People need money. Without that, businesses won’t survive either.

Most importantly, remember God is present when we do these things. We cannot see God’s glory, although it is manifested in the act of loving our neighbors. That is God’s true glory.

Let’s spread that love today.


1 comment:

  1. Look for the helpers, yes! cuz we are the logical ones :)
