Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Truth to Power II

Matthew 25:26 – “His master answered him, saying, “You wicked and lazy slave! You knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I did not scatter?”

This is not going to end well for this slave. But we knew that. Right away, the slave gets called names. Sadly, that and much worse happens in our world when we go up against “the man,” when we speak truth to power. Women who dare to speak up on the internet get called hussy, slut, stupid. They get told that someone should rape them. They can be doxxed, which entails sending out as much information about a person so others can threaten them in person, on the phone, in email, and even through the mail. This may seem like just words, but it is a traumatic experience. The only reason I haven’t experienced this is because very few people read this blog.

This is the exact reason many of our Republican leaders are quietly standing behind Donald. Not all of them; my Republican senator is a true believer. But there are many Republicans who do not talk to reporters. We read and listen to interviews with the same small cast of Republicans who are 100% in on Donald’s agenda. Rather than do their jobs and speak truth to power, others are cowering behind McConnell and McCarthy, letting them do the dirty work. I can only hope that as time goes on, they begin to grow the courage necessary to speak out in public rather than in private.

Yet, in reality, McConnell and McCarthy are representative of the two “good” slaves in this parable! They eagerly do what the master wants without question. They too know that the master cheats others in business. Yes, they are the “good” slaves. All those who privately talk to reporters or other senators but do not speak out publicly are representative of the slave that doesn’t do what the boss wants. It’s not a perfect representation, because the “bad” slave speaks the truth to his boss, whereas these legislators are silent in the face of the evil that Donald is spawning. They are the slaves who will not be ready when the master/Jesus comes. They are lukewarm and, like the slave in the story, they will get what is coming to them. Hopefully in November.

I relate to both types of slave. Many times, it is simply easier to go along to get along. Not wanting others to get angry with us or evil people to notice us is human nature. We tend to shy away from confrontation. At least I do. It is hard to speak up when we’ve spent our entire lives keeping our heads down. However, when actual harm is being done, that position becomes more difficult to justify, which is why there are so many different justifications for what Donald does or for not holding him accountable. None of these justifications are congruous or creditable.

I relate to the other slave too. That one takes a rebellious course of action, a small protest on behalf of those the master has been cheating. When asked why, he speaks the truth. He doesn’t make up some bullshit story about “it’s not an impeachable offense” or “everybody does it.” He speaks the truth. Sadly, it’s too small a protest to really change anything. He is only one slave, after all.

That is why people rarely protest alone. We come together with others who share our views and decide on ways that might get “power” to listen. Together, we are more than the sum of our parts. 

What about us? Have we spoken truth to power lately? Why or why not? Sadly, we are not at a loss for causes to support or policies to protest; there is a lot of truth that needs to be spoken. Why not speak some truth today?


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