Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Denarius a Day

Matthew 20:2 - Upon agreeing with the laborers on a denarius a day he sent them into his vineyard.

Not much to see here, it seems. The denarius was a normal day's pay. A day was probably sunrise to sunset or pretty close to that. I haven't looked it up. At any rate, longer than the 8 hours we generally consider a work day today.

So, the manager (God) makes an agreement (covenant) with the laborers (us/disciples) for a certain wage (salvation? eternal life?) for certain behavior (following Jesus?). Jesus has just given them the terms of the new covenant. Moltmann in Theology of Hope argues that Jesus is not the fulfillment of the promise to Abraham and Sarah and their descendants. It is only the affirmation, liberation of the promise. Jesus resurrection validates the promise and extends it to include Israel, the nations, the world and the universe. Thinking about this passage through that lens, Jesus has indeed given us the terms of the New Covenant. Not just working in the vineyard (as we'll see) but actually selling all we have, giving the proceeds to the poor, and following Jesus.

Are we able to begin thinking in these terms?

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