Sunday, July 23, 2017

Let the children come to me

Matthew 19:13-15 – And they were bringing children to him to put his hands on them and pray. But the disciples scolded them. But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me for the kingdom of heaven belongs the such as these.” And he put his hands on them and went his way.

Two things stood out to me these past few days reading while the internet was down. First, the disciples trying to control access to Jesus. In this passage, they are fixing something that isn’t broken. I can relate. Perhaps they thought Jesus wouldn’t like it. Or that children were not worth his time and energy. I like the way Jesus patiently corrects him here. Which leads us to …

Thing number two. The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. This is not a sentimental statement about how open children are and how innocent they are. People then did not idolize childhood as we do; these kids were not innocent. They had most likely seen and experience violence, death, horrible disfigurement. Life was brutal! No, it because children are the most vulnerable members of society, according to Jesus.

Many children did not live to adulthood, which is why having children was important. Many didn’t make it even to age five due to disease, violence, and just plain bad luck. Jesus is saying the most vulnerable among us own the kingdom of heaven. Who are the most vulnerable among us today? Poor people, black people, people of color, oppressed people, the elderly, disabled people, and again children. And for the disciples this was yet another radical statement. Children, being least useful, were the least important members of society. Of course they were loved, which is why their parents were bringing them forward. But in the grand scheme, they came behind men and women. (I am thinking more of Roman society, not sure about Jewish.)

Jesus is telling them they need to reorient their thinking. Do we?


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