Monday, February 27, 2017

Little Ones

Matthew 18:14 - So, it is not the will of your father in heaven that even one of these little ones should perish.

And here we are reminded that Jesus is still holding a child in front of them. The arms and the feet and the eyes represent the many ways we hurt children, women, people of color, homeless people, immigrants. These people are just as necessary to the body of Christ as they are to our society! We need them or we will burn in the (metaphorical) fires of Gehenna.

The sheep represent them in a different way. God, our father rejoices over all her sheep. Every last one. Most especially when they have been found. When we remember to support them and fight for and with them for their rights to be treated as people. We are the sheep when we remember to turn away from pride and gluttony, from lust and jealousy, from envy and sloth. When we remember to turn to God who in turn, turns us toward his less fortunate sheep.

My prayer is that I will always be turning to God's less fortunate sheep through his love and mercy.

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