Tuesday, January 6, 2015


It's Epiphany, the day the wise men finally made it to Jesus - two years after his star appeared. Light in the dark sky. And the sky was dark then. Those of us who live in cities have a hard time imagining how truly dark it was. Especially in the winter, when it was long as well.

My heart can be a dark place - but only parts of it. Many of the tumors and scar tissues have been removed, cleaned or healed. My life has never been easy but mostly not especially hard. I've lived through a lot of darkness. Today I choose not to add to the darkness already out there. Like policemen killing young, black men without facing any consequences; the war on women the Republicans seem to be waging; gang shootings; Syria; Palestine; Iraq; those last three the doing of my own government; torture.

The thing is God/Christ/Yahweh/Allah is there hurting alongside the mourning, alongside the tortured - the raped, alongside the homeless, the hungry, the lost and the forgotten. The least of these. This makes me think of The Night Ministry. Perhaps it is time to put away my wounded pride and go out with them again. They need people to sign up. The gathering of light for those who are truly in a dark place. How will they know God is there unless we go out to them?

All this pricking is getting downright uncomfortable: TNM, Nora's lay chaplains, the Church on the Flats. I wonder if anyone goes down there now? To let them know God is with them and loves them?

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