Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Dog?

Matthew 15:25-6 - But she came and prostrated herself before him saying, "Lord, help me." He answered her and said, "It is not right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs."

This is one of the hardest passages in the bible, especially for those who wish to think of Jesus as always meek and mild. The fact that in refusing her help he also calls her a dog is just twisting the wound unnecessarily. It is hard to read and think about. Yet, it gives us an idea of how Jewish people thought about themselves and others. They may or may not have felt that all others were "dogs," yet, there was the separation of themselves and outsiders as clean and unclean. There was a sense of superiority over others.

It also gives a glimpse into Jesus' human side! He has just told the disciples that he has only been sent to Israel and thinks he is somehow not allowed to help this woman. Clearly it is a crisis for his ministry. The disciples are not concerned about her daughter, only about the attention. Jesus is concerned about his mission. It seems that by calling her a dog he may be hoping she will go away. At any rate, he has chosen his side - err on the side of caution, staying within the rules, and keeping a focus.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

A Crisis

Matthew 15:24 - He answered, "I have been sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

This is one of the most intriguing passages in the New Testament to me. Here is Jesus, whom we see from our perspective as savior of the world, ignoring someone asking for help he could easily provide and in fact has provided others. Saying only that he is not allowed to help her. How many times have we used a similar excuse when confronted with pain that we were able to alleviate? Answering for myself, too many times. So, this passage makes Jesus very human. He is undecided - or rather decided but not in the way we have come to expect. it is, or should be, jarring to us. This Jesus is someone we can relate to, not some ultra perfect ideal that we are expected to somehow live up to.

It gives us pause and hopefully also gives us a moment of grace. Jesus was human and thought like a human being. If even Jesus can ignore someone's need, we can be forgiven for being less than thoughtful. Yet, we must remember always, that Jesus is about to change his mind. He had been interpreting his call very narrowly. Now, it seems God is calling him to broaden his call, broaden his ministry to others. This is a Jesus who must decide whether to follow his original call or change course to follow his new call. We are also called to discern whether we are still following God's direction. Jesus demonstrates the possibility of growth - growth in empathy and growth in grace and faith. He has come to a crossroads, a crisis of faith.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

No Response

Matthew 15:23 - But Jesus did not answer her a word (at all). The disciples came up to him entreating, "Loose her, for she is crying out behind us."

Lots of questions! Why doesn't Jesus answer? Does he acknowledge her at all? Are they walking or has he stopped? If walking, is she following them? The disciples are clearly uneasy about Jesus reaction. And ask him to take care of it - not for her sake - no, for they are embarrassed that she is calling attention to them. They do not give "because she is hurting" as a reason; only that she keeps calling out.
What would I do in their place?