Thursday, February 26, 2015


I was reading the gospel of John this morning. It struck me that although it is not apparent in English, in Greek the verb geneo is very prominent. Becoming, being born. We are continually becoming. Every choice we make leads to a way of being. Becoming anew, becoming from heaven. Continually becoming, always a new creation with every breath and every decision. So, the question our lives must answer is, "Who Am I?"

If we value integrity, our choices, thoughts, and actions need to reflect that. If we value courage, we need to act courageously. If we value truth, we must speak the truth on behalf of ourselves and others. If we value peace, we must act peacefully. If we value equality, we must make choices that help to bring that about. If we value justice, we must not only act justly, but work to eliminate the injustices inherent in our society.

Just writing this makes me tired! Yet, if we value love, we must love ourselves and our neighbor. No one benefits if we burn ourselves out.

Becoming requires being mindful of where we put our energy and how often we replenish it.

Becoming, being born, a new creation in Christ.